December 3, 2015

Trade and Sustainable Growth: Capacitating and Strengthening the voice of Africa’s Private Sector

Date: Wednesday, 16th December 2015, 7.15am – 8.45am
Venue: Hilton Hotel, Amboseli Room

Session Objective

Africa Practice would like to bring into sharper focus the African Private Sector’s position in specific Trade issues that affect the private sector.

The Private Sector remains a major driver of the African and international trade but knowledge and substantive engagement with WTO is essentially at its infancy. While some effort has been made in the past to get Africa’s private sector more involved, these efforts require continuity and assured sustainability.

With the international community’s 2015 adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), sustainability is necessarily a topical agenda for all stakeholders. Accordingly, within the broad purview of ‘Trade and Sustainable Growth’, we envision the prospect of getting the African Private Sector to rally around certain significant imperatives to trade both within and outside Africa which may include infrastructure development and its critical role in the opening up of greater intra-African trade among others.

AP will moderate a private one and a half hour round table focused on the African Private Sector consisting of a stellar panel with a luminary private sector voice; an African trade policy/think tank institution as well as representation from various African business organisations will be involved in this discussion.

AP will consolidate the emerging significant consensus, to be published as a special post 2015 report and deploy it in AP’s advocacy programmes for sustainable trade and development in Africa.