December 3, 2015

TDS Plenary: Africa Integrates

Date: Monday, 14th December 2015, 2.30pm – 4.00pm
Venue: Hilton Hotel, Tsavo Room


Frank Matsaert, TradeMark East Africa, CEO; Anabel GONZALEZ, Senior Director, World Bank Group Global Practice on Trade and Competitiveness, The World Bank; H. E. Fatima Haram ACYL, Commissioner for Trade and Industry, African Union Commission; H.E. Jean-Louis Billion, Minister of Commerce, Côte d’Ivoire; H.E. Akinwumi ADESINA, President, African Development Bank

Session Objective

In an increasingly globalised world, regionalism has become a building block of many national growth and development strategies. Africa is no exception to this trend: most countries are to some extent banking on closer cooperation with their neighbours as a means of attracting investment, developing productive capacities and integrating in the world economy. This plenary is meant to catalyse discussions on the prospects and challenges facing integration at the regional and continental level in Africa, and come up with a fresh perspective on the Continent’s changing trade landscape.